Thursday, December 29, 2011

A New Beginning...2012!

As I sit here thinking of things I would like to chance like, money, relationships, organization to be better and more I am reminded of the things I can not change like my battle with cancer is not over and I have 7 weeks Monday thru Friday of radiation still.

I only hope God gives me the strength and the knowledge to continue with my life and the wonderful ways he has taught me to be with friends and family. My relationship with my husband has never been better in both worldly love and spiritually!

One of the biggest chances that will effect us the hardest is living up to the no credit way of life that God has expressed many times over to be a sin. If that means to live without then that is what God wishes.

I am actually looking forward to a more 1950's way of life then I have been trying to live already.

I hope you all follow along while we go through this very hard process in this 2012 way of life. The outside world with it's un-Godly influences can be strong at times and that is where our strength and prayers will come in handy. You can pray for us too in that we can stay focus and on track. That would be greatly received. <3

Today I started with cleaning out the bill file and setting it all up for a cash only way or life and recording for 2012. I was even able to apply a small amount of money into the savings and on a credit card.  I am hoping to not only build up the savings but take care of all the credit cards once and for all this year.

I have also asked hubby and I will do the same, to record all daily expenses to be reviewed and tracked. This will help with keeping track of un-necessary spending and possible spur of the moment spending because you will think twice before writing it down... at least I know I will.

Well enough said and I hope you follow along like I requested as we go through daily scheduling of chores and money debt recovery and crafts and baking and much much more!

Do not forget to take time with the Lord today and write your blessings and I am thankfuls  in your journal. even the smallest things are Blessings in Life!

Mama Oak