Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday Tidy

A tidy or organizing project to help run your household.

Well Fall is almost on us with these nice cool breezes we are having here in NJ. Normally I decorate for the Fall/Autumn September 1st, but I decided to do it a week early and take my time to get everything out and put away and not stress out over it. God loves a warm and inviting and clean home, so does my hubby and friends!

Decorating your home in seasonal theme and not so much by holiday is a great way to keep your items out longer and cost you less money in the long run. You can always add a few pieces that you switch out like Halloween to Thanksgiving for the holidays. This way it saves you lots of time and space.For example...I have wreaths that I change from Summer to Fall to Winter.

I have pumpkins, gourds, scarecrows, apples, leaves and items such as that. Then I add a few spiders or jack-o-lanterns for Halloween and turkeys and pilgrims for Thanksgiving.

I make a lot of my decorations and I try to only add one item a year to my seasonal decoration usually from a thrift store or a garage sale or clearance. This is respecting my husbands hard work in making money and providing for us.

Thrift stores as inexpensive as they can be will reduce the holiday items even lower closer to the holiday date or after. Last year I stocked up on snow people themed items for the house. Be patient and God will provide for your needs. You would be surprised also how many friends are willing to declutter and pass along a holiday items that don't go with their home but it matches yours.

Here are a few pics of my Autumn/Fall decorations.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug. 20, 2012

Today is a lovely sunny yet cool day here. The signs of fall are showing with the start of the leaves turning their glorious shades of color and the first day school only 15 days away.

Today was a good day for my depression and even though I didn't fell 100% healthy I did manage to get a few things done and kept.

*3 loads of laundry washed, hung, dried and put away.
*All animals where feed and watered.
*New- used window was washed and sealed for new sealer and paint and to be installed. 
( see Monday maintain for the whole process)
*Primed and started painting 3 copper jello molds to decorate the coop with. ( see pics below for them! )

*Put away my 50% off or more clearance finds in the pantry for stocking.
*Cooked meals for everyone
*Cleaned the master bath
*Started to clean the master bedroom
* Ran to the store paint and glass.

Travis worked 2 jobs today so he wont be home till 8. :-(
And can't wait to read my Be-Attitude book and to spend time with the Lord.

Hope you all had a great day!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Special...How to make strawberry cordial

 You will need 2 - 1qt canning jars, 4 cups of fresh strawberries, cheap gin or vodka, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water.

 Place sugar and the water in to a put and stir and bring them to a boil.

 Dissolve simple syrup.

 Bring simple syrup to a boil

 Let the simple syrup cool down

 Add 1 qt gin or vodka to the simple syrup

Fill then shake every 2 day and store in a cool dark place for one month


Drain through a strainer to rid the cordial of seeds.

Enjoy sipping! You can always garnish with a saved berry.