Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Thrifty Thursday... Furniture Find

After many years of one dog and 3 children it was time for a new couch, but a new couch was not in the budget. So we decorated a can with couch pictures cut from flyer's and started to save. A dollar here, five dollars there and even a few coins started to fill the couch can. My husband would say often to us " Why to you torture yourself like this? At that rate is it worth it? That will take you years to save for?" But I didn't mind and neither did the kids who helped me decorate the can.

Well while yard sailing, which is a staplein afrugal family way of life and one of our favorite weekend family events to do and  not with out our wish list that we make in hand so we stay on track with items we need and want, my daughter spots a very pretty Victorian style couch. We pull over and it was in perfect and like new condition. The owner claimed that it just sat in the formal living room. I tell my daughter she could ask how much it was being sold for but do not get her hopes up. It was way to nice to fit our budget and the little amount that was saved in our can. Well she came running back excited and told me the price. I could not believe it. I thought she was WRONG! I told she she was mistaken but to my surprise I WAS MISTAKEN! She was 100% correct.

Are you all ready for the price of this thrifty find! Drum roll please...........................


Yup that's it! SOLD! We brought it home and it fit perfectly in my living room and all 5 of us fit on it!
 God is good!

What did we do with our old couch and love seat. Well we donated it to a family that was happy to have it that had nothing.

Don't forget to write in your journals during your time with God and count your blessings. 
He provides all that you need and his timing is perfect and in his terms.