Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Set Your Goal. Step one.

Have you ever sat back and just looked around at your home and thought of your life and how it ended up? Do you like it or not? Do you just like some of it and dislike the rest? If you have not thought about it then take some time and just do that.

When I did this I learned that God has placed me in a wonderful marriage with great children. I am able to be a stay at home mother and wife, which I truly adore this lifestyle. But, I am unhappy with the way my house tends to be unkempt. That my ability to let go of the clutter is to difficult  for me. It's like a big black hole sucking me in and draining me of life. It causes arguments with my husband. It causes me to be a hypocrite to my children when I ask them to clean their rooms. It causes me to feel embarrassed and to lie by making up excuses to help "  please excuse the mess" which is a sin. It even causes me to be stressed out and late for events.

This is not what I want! I want to feel happy, comfy and content in my home as well as I know you do too!

But how can this happen? How can I create a home environment that is welcoming,, clean, organized and still have time to sleep and breath?

Well it's easy, I just keep telling myself over and over again. " You need to take baby steps and let it all go that you don't need all these things to simplify and organize." Like the Little Engine that could " I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can..."

I will do this! You can follow along as I break down each area of a mother's daily life, a homemaker's daily life, a wife's daily life. a woman's daily life and a Godly daily life.