Don't we all do this?
We always start out the New Year with such high expectation of ourselves and set high goals to achieve.
First thing I need is to build a nice notebook with a 2013 calendar and lots of dividers. This will help big time with keeping track of all the dates, times and little details with record keeping.
One of my biggest goals is to grow lots and lots of food and plan and plant not only for this year but for the future like more fruit trees and perennial batches.
I also want to keep track of the cost I pay to plant and grow and how much I harvest VS. the cost it would have been for me to just buy it in a store. But still nothing beats knowing whats in my food and on it when my children place it in their mouths.
I also realized today while out in the garden that I do not have nearly enough 5 gal. buckets to plant my potato plants in. WHAT? HUH?
I came across this great article awhile ago about planting potato plants in buckets and how it makes the harvesting of the potatoes so much easier because they are all neatly growing in the bucket.
This year I am going to give this method a try! It also claims that the space is way less and the yield of food is greater with this method. I guess we shall see!
Just finished texting my husband who works in the field of construction to not to forget to gather me up those paint/Spackle buckets that are thrown out on the job sites. My favorite cost for supplies FREE!
I am thinking I will need about 30 or so before spring. :-)
But for now I can lay out the plastic to defer weeds and every time I get a bucket place it upside down for now to keep it clean till it's time to fill with earth and potatoes.
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