
How to Use Coupons

 Welcome to an exciting area of savings and caring for your families needs!

I will help you learn the correct way to being a great shopper and couponer. You should be able to save between 50 – 90% on your grocery bill. Couponing is not about clearing the shelves or becoming a clutter bug or even a hoarder by having all your items take over you and your home. It's about having what you need year round at your finger tips for the lowest cost possible. It's about  helping you save money for other means to be a great homemaker. Couponing is easy. With some time invested and good organization you will be able to care for you family the way you really want to and how you should be doing it...but with little to no money invested. I am sure you and your spouse will love seeing the savings account going up and you will love seeing nearly free or free items when ever you need them right in your pantry.